Thursday, September 27, 2012

Double Overheads Party

Aloha Tribe,

This weekend arrive some utterly feral Double Overheads with 15 second Periods in the Wilds with a bit of Voodoo Mist as the  Kiwis says, so it seemed like a great time to have a weekend party Friday through Monday or Tuesday or whenevers.

Fresh grilled Fish Tacos of course. Beer. Tropical Fruit. Surfing of course. Bring an ukulele and a tent or hammock if you like or whatevers for some Stealth Camping and Night Riding.  Throwing knives rock (no blade spin 43 feet). Slacklining. If you have an Alaia, bring it, if not, come try Sliding Ass on one of mine. 56 degree water, no wetsuit needed. There'll be a Full Moon, so Night Sufing is a must, more so a moral imperative.

No pressures, no worries, just ride the glide and Slide Ass Slide.

Bodaciously Stoked,

Lily of the Valley

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