Thursday, June 3, 2010

Summer Surfing Trips, Cons, Swindles, Cardsharping, Pickpocketing, and Magic

Aloha Tribe,

So, in addition to my daily surfing (as often as possible) and practicing and performing magic where ever I can - mostly the scoundrel con game type magic (the Shell Game, Fast and Loose, Three Card Monte, the Walrus Balls,  Cigar Magic and Cigar Manipulation, Zippo Lighter Manipulations, Cardsharping, Pickpocket Exhibitions,, and a few others - Cups and Balls, Linking Rings, Roy Rogers Rope Trick - busking), I have some surfing travel plans for the Summer and Fall.

I'll start off in a few weeks surfing with DD (Darrick Doerner in Washington, Oregon, and hopefully Vancouver Island,  while tenting during June. DD is not only working on me with my surfing but also with my Watergirl Training.

July will find me beginning my surfing trip down the Pacific Coast from Washington State to San Diego or even to Baja Mexico, tenting alone.

In August I'll meet up with DD and start surfing from Malibu north to northern California or as far as we get with our gypsy styled feral surfing plans of going where the waves call us each day. If I can, I'll stop at the Magic Castle in Hollywood as well as Venice Beach on a Jim Morrison Quest.

In early September I'll be surfing alone from northern California to Washington as I head home towards Seattle.

By mid-September  until mid-October I'll be hooking up with DD again and surfing the North Shore (of Oahu) .

After I leave DD in mid- October,  I'll stay on longer on the North Shore and simply surf by myself or with whoever I meet until early November, honing what I have learned throughout the Summer and Fall on the wild North Shore waves.

Sometime in the Winter/Late Winter - I'll possibly be heading back to the North Shore for more surfing and Watergirl Training under DD's mentorship for another 40 days or so.

In between those times, I'll be surfing and practicing cons, swindles, cardsharping,  knife throwing, pickpocketing, and other forms of magical entertainment, mostly in Washington State, Vancouver Island, and sometimes Oregon, with Annie as often as I can, otherwise, by myself.

Bodaciously Stoked,

Lily of the Valley

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