Monday, March 14, 2011

Bottom Turn Pump vs. Lateral Zigzag Shimmy for Flat Sections and Top Turn Timing

Aloha Tribe,

Eh Brahs, I wanted to talk about Bottom Turn Pumps vs. Lateral Zigzags for those sections of the face that are flatter, and, for where you need or chose to improve the timing for your Top Turns and Off the Tops.

Everybody, of course, uses Bottom Turn Pumps, after all, you see it all the time with the Pros, and thus, we all blindly mimic it without thinking, after all, it works. Yet, to me, it's a rather very unaesthetic action, resembling sort of a frantically frenetic humping, in a sense. Instead, I've come up with a move that's so much more beautiful and stylish and, oh so much faster.

I call it the Lateral Zigzag Shimmy, and, basically, what you're doing is when you're in the flats, in a long section before a second peak that you want to hit, you Zigzag your board at an ever increasing tempo, allowing your rails to lift your board for faster planing, and, allowing gravity to work for you as you race down the bottom of the face you're working with each successive Zigzag. In a sense, the move feels rather like when you're on your skateboard, and, you're going to fast, and your front truck begins to shimmy your board back and forth faster and faster, until, often, you wipe out unless you can regain control through absorbing the extra energy with your feet, ankles, and legs, and hips.

The Lateral Zigzag Shimmy is a lighting quick way to increase your speed, using centrifical force, planing, and gravity all in your favor, and more so, the faster you allow yourself to carve, the faster you'll glide at breakneck stylish speed instead of ending up looking like some hormone enraged ape desperately trying  to get laid. Sure, strong words, but, style is everything, you know. And, why imitate the masses when you can simply branch out in originality and individualization? Dream. And, dare.

Bodaciously Stoked,

Lily of the Valley

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