Sunday, December 19, 2010

Surfer's Solstice Solitude Session

Aloha Tribe,

What could be more of a Winter Solstice Surfing Solitude Session than surfing or, if you can't at least celebrating the wilds of the wilds in Northern Scotland, out in the wind beaten Outer Hebrides where only the brave dare surf alone by eating after your frigid days icy North Atlantic thrashing by grinding Haggis, Neeps and Tatties. Totally ono, eh brahs?

As for breakfast, post - Dawn Patrol: one staves off freezing to death with pounds of rashers, mushrooms, baked beans, grilled tomatoes, black pudding, white pudding, haggis, juice, cereal (oatmeal or if you're a real Scott, rough cut boiled barley, all gulped down with copious quantities of fresh icy cold milk.

Winter Solstice, a mystical magical time of the year for surfing, especially midnight surfing. This year, it'll be particularly bodacious because of the full moon at Winter Solstice.

So, wax up your stealth boards, pack a hamper loaded to the gills with hearty food, and set off for the surf of a lifetime in the wild of wilds.

Surfing with herds of hords is great fun, I'll be the first to shout that from the top of a party wave, but, at a time like the pure creative waves offered only at this time of year, when all  the seas creatures rise  to the surface  of the surfing swells, to sing and dance and play in the moonlight with any surfer bold enough to sit alone at midnight, under a full moon,  on the most magical, mysterious, beautiful night of the year.

If any of you want the surf of a lifetime, where you can truly find out who you are, and why you surf, and what the secret of surfing is truly all about, the mysteries of the sea, the songs that call us to dance upon the water, well, then you way so must seek the wilds where ever you are.

On a night like this, you are not seeking the normal breaks you typically surf day in and day out, for you don't want the crowds, nor, quite frankly, the familiarity. You want someplace new to you, someplace where you can stetch your legs on your surfboard, let your hair down, and toss your string bikini  or boardies to the sea, and surf, if even only for one wave, in your purest form of physical expression. Just you, your board, and the water. Sure, even where I surf the wilds, the water will bite deep with frigid temperatures, but no matter, Surfer Up (the surfers version of cowboy up) and do it. It's exhilerating, wildly fun, and, a true treat for all of your normally domesticated senses. Cut free your harness and reins of life and surf with total abandon.

Bodaciously Stoked,

Lily of the Valley

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