Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Silver Surfer Longboard Yoga

Aloha Tribe,

I've been thinking of hanging on my longboard a lot lately. And, balance training. And, yoga. As some of you know, as they sort of inspirationally relate to the Silver Surfer.

At any rate, I've found that I truly love doing yoga on my board. More so, simply moving on my board. It's the act of moving, the flowing muscular contractions and extentensions themselves that I'm finding not only so enjoyable, but more so, truly fascinating for personal exploration.

Naturally, of course, this all ties in with my lifetimes experience in Chi Gung and how the body's energy moves on, within, and around our bodies.You see, the more sensitive you are to Chi, the more you can embrace movement fully, both internally and externally, which, paradoxically, is really what surfing is about for all of us, though, naturaly, few if any call it Chi, many simply have no name for it, and, some, call it Stoke.

It's energy. That feeling of flowing movement that calls us, sings to us, guides us, embraces us, and, allows us to be truly receptive to how it flows and touches us.

As such,  I've found that Longboard Yoga is allowing me to sense this energy in a playful way as I explore stretching my muscles while balanced on my surfboard.

And, the more I'm doing it, the more I've finding that it draws me, with a fascination unexplainable, and a yearning, truly magical. Enough so that here, in the middle of the night, I've been called to such movement flowing for the last several hours.Sleep, that can wait. My longboard sings to me and I can't resist her siren song.

I like to think, that in the Marvel Universe of comic books, that the Silver Surfer feels the same way, or would, of course, if he were not merely a comic book Superhero but instead, literally living flesh and blood and yearnings.

For you see, in such physical expression on our boards, we find, not only ourselves, but, art. And that, at least for me, makes me smile. For what is more beautiful than playing with art? You know, that pure in-the-moment sensation we all embrace on our boards as we ride, or, in my case, even stretch with yoga and Chi Gung.

Sure, using something like a comic book Superhero as inspiration is, in a sense, seemingly childish and immature, on the other hand, perhaps it's not so upon second thought, for, what but myth if not story? And, within myth, lies legends of heroes.

So maybe imagination and fun are merely playful, leading to art, and thus, leading to finding out more about ourselves.

I'm finding that with my surfboard, I'm learning, my body, I'm learning how I move and dance receptively to the sea, I am, in a word, learning, me.

I eagerly await the coming morning, though I must say, the full moon tonight sings to my wild primal soul so strongly. Tonight would be a great night for a Night Ride, surfing the sea in moonlite magic.

Bodaciously Stoked,

Lily of the Valley

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