Saturday, January 2, 2010

16 Footers Up in the Pacific Northwest: Surfing Naked

Wah hoo,

16 Footers up here in the barren and isolated wilderness of the Pacific Northwest dudes, Who needs Hawaii!!!

And, surfing naked. What could be better?

Okay, well, not literally naked, but without a wetsuit. It's my most recent longing. The water up here is about 46 degrees or so, and, while most people would lose consciousness or at least become physically exhausted in about 30 to 60 minutes, with death probably happening in about 1 to 3 hours of immersion, that does not have to be the case. If, you happen to know your Chi Gung. Which, by chance, I do. :)

Naturally, the cold water is, well, cold, but it's doable if one knows how. That being said, it's a rather intense training that is involved, but, the perk is to be able to surf without a wetsuit. Now granted, IF, wetsuits happened to be pink nowadays, going without would be just silly, since, they almost all only come in black, what's the point of having one?

Now then, the question becomes, just how cold of water could one dance in? Hmm, an interesting thought, and, greatly worth experimentation. For just think of the freedom such naked surfing would allow. Okay, sure, a string bikini is a must, not for propriety sake but more so for pure fashion, after all, what's cuter than a French cut string bikini on a tighlty honed girl surfer's body?

16 Footers. Ah, such dreams. Here, now. Today. It makes me think of a chess game I've been studying lately, the Immortal Game from 1851. I feel like the queen in that famous game, ready to launch into an explosive exhaultation of expression, be it, chess, or, in this case, as of this morning's dawn patrol, surfing.

Surfing cold water, without a wetsuit, is a subject and experience that I need to do a lot more ground-breaking exploration into. I first caught the bug on a month long trip to the Highlands and northern Islands of Scotland on a surfing and monster hunting (hey, who doesn't love Nessie) scouting trip last year.  I still dream of surfing the wake of a Russian Ice Cutter Mail Freighter on a delivery run to the North Pole in my favorite red string bikini. Hopefully, by next year if my training goes well. Few could survive the cold, almost none would even want to, I'd imagine, leaving it, virgin surfing ground. The adventure awaits!!! In prepartion for the trip, not only am I studying North Pole exploration training, and contemplating learning Russian (along with learning to drink healthy amounts of vodka), and, of course, honing my Russian style chess. Surfing, Russian chess, foreign languages, vodka, ice cold water on bare skin, what could be more exciting for a surfing adventure!!! Oh, hey, I'm even learning to make pemmican, more so, to like it - and, I normally only eat fruit and fish tacos, goodness.

If you come up here to the Pacific Northwest, watch out for sharks. And, very large salmon. Oh, and if you see a bare skinned snow bunny in a white bikini surfing her ass into liquid perfection on a the cutest red and white longboard you've ever seen, that would be, me.

Bodaciously Stoked,

Lily of the Valley

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