Friday, July 2, 2010

Freediving the Impact Zone for Big Wave Surfing Training

Aloha Tribe,

I am a freediver and a surfer with a passionate interest in big wave surfing and big wave swimming. As most of you know,  I am, through this blog, training myself as well as, and, shall I say more importantly,  being trained directly under the incredible tuteledge of world famous big wave rider Darrick Doerner (DD).

The ace up my sleeve, yes, I am a cardsharp too (hey, it pays the bills), is my chi gung training for freediving and big wave surfing survival.

In my training, I am teaching myself to make the impact zone my playground. As such, I am spending as much time as I can there, experimenting with my various training specialties, while, focusing on playing, which, by the way, is the key to the whole thing. For, it is relaxation, not static relaxation like most freedivers and big wave surfers think, but creative playful relaxation that is the core and focus of my training due to it's vital importance.

Fortunatel, I am blessed at the moment to live in the wild Pacific Northwest, in Washington State actually, where the surf is as wild as it comes. Now sure, we don't have the beautifully formed surfable waves like Hawaii, but, if you want Impact Zone Training that will test you to the ultimate limits of human experience, you can pick no place better for the water is frigid, wild, dark, untamed, and feral.

Bodaciously Stoked,

Lily of the Valley

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