Monday, December 14, 2009

Gidget's Kahoona

Hello Everyone,

So, I just watched the movie Gidget again. I love that film. And one of the characters I really love is the Kahoona. While he's not a literal Kahuna, he is the top surfer around. I love the idea of him having his shack on the beach and traveling the world and surfing. Naturally, there's a secret catch that comes out later in the film but that's beside the point. The Kahoona seems like an awsome surfer guy. For him, surfing is about the feeling, he totally got it when Gidget was talking to him about her love of her first surfing ride. She was totally stoked and he could feel it too. That's really one of the secrets of surfing, feeling that energy in others. The stoke is such a beautiful thing and it's so awesome how we can share it with each other.

I love the idea of traveling the world surfing, what surfer, after all, doesn't? We all have Endless Summer disease, I'd imagine. And you know, what could be better.

Now, I have a dream. A silly dream, mind you, but a dream none-the-less. I want to surf the coldest, most frigidly frozne waters of the world. And, in the process, I want to bring my red and white striped Wingnut longboard (the one in the photo on my blog here), with me. I just found a totally cute Santa type bikini, red material, white fur accents, to wear, with a photo of me with my board at the North Pole.

So, here's the plan. I learn to travel in the arctic. Taking the necessary lessons, possibly starting this year if I can get in shape enough. The physical requirement is to be able to pull 300 pounds on a sled or sledge for about 8 hours a day, every day. A trip to the North Pole, one way, takes about 56 days or so. And yes, I'd want to drag my longboard up there with me, that's a must and the point of it all. Why? If you have to ask why, you probably will never understand. It's the romantic in me, the adventurer, the dreamer, the surfer girl. Ideally, I want to be able to haul my longboard both to the North Pole, and, back, unresupplied, a task, mind you, that has never been done by anybody yet.  So, I've been out all morning this morning dragging my 300 pound ship's anchor chain for training. I'll try to work up to 400 pounds, if I can, to account for the return trips food and the surfboard, but of course.

I'd love to take a ship to, perhaps, Greenland. And, start from there. Ideally, my dream is to surf in the wake of the ship as much as possible. Another possibility is to take a Russian ice breaker ship, perhaps a mail carrier, as far as I can, that could be fun.  "Hey, comrade, why does that goofyfoot American girl keep surfing in her string bikini in our wake? Silly American girl. Is she stoked or what!!!, Ya, comrade."

Taking a Russian ice breaker fascinates me, partially because of my Siberian and Mongolian heritage, partially because learning the Russian language sounds fun, partially because I love Russian styled chess and playing Russian chess with the lads on the ship sounds really fun, and, partially, well, just because.

What does this all have to do with Gidget's Kahoona, you  might ask? Well, everything. The idea of living the dream, of really doing it, of thinking of an adventure, planning for it, and, jumping right in. Why not, after all.

Sure, my Amazon adventure I mentioned the other day sounds a bit warmer, but I think I can find room for both. :)

I want to be like Kahoona. In a way, I already am. That is to say, more like a Kahuna what with my chi gung and all. So, I want to take my Kahuna kind of lifestyle I already live daily, and, add a bit of Kahoona to it to round it out. Hence, my adventure dreams and plans, and, hence my honing my buns into total steel today pulling that heavy chain.

Bodaciously Stoked,

Lily of the Valley

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lily I'm glad you are enjoying your Endless Summer, but I don't know if there is much waves in Siberia. I sent you an email. I'm on GMail because I think someone is reading my emails on my Yahoo account.

    Peace, love, and Bobby Sherman.

