Saturday, December 5, 2009

North Shore (Actor's Needed) Day 3

Hugs Everyone,

Ah, Day 3 already of my actor's Training for my training for a role in North Shore if I was to have played the female part of Turtle. My morning begins with pushups. The first set was 40 reps d at an inverted angle of 45 degrees, to work the underside of the pecs, or, as we have talked about, to lift the boobs from below, giving them a wide base of muscle spreading out below them to create beautiful cleavage. Breakfast, following two more sets of pushups will be a grapefruit and a papaya. I was given the grapefruit as for my Birthday. I so love fruit.

Then, after breakfast I'll start on my SUP (Stand Up Paddling) on my Surf Pro Indo Board on top of my bosu ball. Had I got up a few hours ago, I'd have loved to have done Dawn Patrol with my longboard. I got my new bamboo fin yesterday, totally bodacious, by the way. It'll seem funny surfing my longboard with a fin. I've so loved Riding Slide Ass. I just have to continue my study of that art, there's so much depth to it.

I've got a full weekend ahead of me. Woo hoo. What surfing fun is that. I do have to get my Christmas tree today and set it up and decorate my house and my chicken coop and my gypsy vardo with Christmas lights. I prefer the colored lights that come in C9 size. I find them nostalgic, magical, and oh so beautiful.

I'll try to get my decorating done this morning so that I have the afternoon to study the waves and to hopefully workout on the beach. I really want to get numerous  hardcore exercise sessions in today. I'll do some mountain biking like Laird Hamilton does after his weights workout when I'm done with my kettlebells. I'll also move my log end over end for as long as I can, it's a waterlogged tree about a foot in diameter and about 7 feet long. I have it down in the sand and I simply lift one end, let it fall end over end, then do it again as I "walk" it down the beach.

Well, the day has such potential. when I get to my breakfast this morning, I'll hit my Surfish more too, always working that into what I'm doing. And my Pidgin, of course. I'll add more as the day progresses.

Bodaciously Stoked,

Lily of the Valley

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