Monday, October 18, 2010

Balance Training Loft: Remo Williams Style for Surfing

Aloha Tribe,

My loft is coming together. I have several stations in it, put together as a run or sequence to follow. Of course, it can be reversed, as well as alter direction at any of the changeover spots.

The stations, so far are...

1. 10 foot long home-made solid wood surfboard on rail roller - allowing side to side movements  both to the left and to the right just as though you were doing a Frontside Turn or a Backside Turn.

2. Balance Log with 2 x 6, eight foot, board, allowing forward and backward balance simulation. This movement while surfing replicas dropping the nose for increased speed or for practicing Pearling maneuvers such as a 180 Pearling Pullout Spin, or sinking your tail for stalling or slowing down, as well as to prevent pearling.

3. Walking Chain - a  20' chain that hangs loosely or can sit on the floor to walk and balance on (1" links).

4. Walking Pole - a wooden dowel  (I have several of these) for balance beam type walking (1" diameter, 10 foot long). This can sit on the floor, or, be suspended at each end by ropes.

5. Elevated 2 x 6 x 8' walk between two wooden saw horses.

6. Walking Pole - one of three.

7. Army helmet (as a "post," to stand on) - there are two of these.

8. Army Storage Chest - to walk on edge

9. series of several varied size ammo boxes (about 6 of them) to walk on, some are roughly 4 x 8 x 6 others are 2 x 8 x 4.

10. 2 x 4 balance beam 8' long. Elevated.

11. Walking Bricks - a series of bricks to step on from brick to brick There are 8 bricks, laid out in a Baqua pattern circle that is painted on the floor for Baqua training.

12. Clawfoot Bathtub (cast iron and ceramic coated)  - walk and balance on edges.

13. Two ceramic planters ( for Chinese Soft Rope Penetration vase training) - balancing on edges while taking water out of planters with bucket. The planters start out filled with water, then, every few days, you take a bucket of water out, making the vase more tippy in the process, until eventually, there is no water and simply the vase or planter to stand on the edge on top of it.

14. 11mm static Assault Rappeling Rope hung loose for Rope Dancing - loose rope balance and walking ( 200 foot)

15. Wine Barrels - for standing on and Rolling - there are 3. Watch one of the more recent The Musketeer and you'll see d'Artagnan rolling on top of and balancing on wine barrels - a fun scene and my inspiration for this part of my training.

16. Dresser plank to Wine Barrel - 2 x 6 board for sitting on.

17. Dresser plank to Wine Barrel 2 x 8 board for laying on.

18. Tight Wire Simulator Standing Station - for standing in one spot, both feet on line for as long as possible without loosing balance and while keeping both feet in contact with wire. Currently, about 2 minutes 23 seconds. Up from 37 seconds two days ago, 25 seconds the day before that, 8 seconds a few days before that, and 3 seconds before that.

19. Balance pole for stepping over and under

20. Loose Rope - 25 foot long. Suspended in elongated U shape.

21. Tight Wire Simulator - 10 foot long (made of two portable sections). A third 5 foot portable section is in my bedroom. It can be moved about my home at will, such as to the Surfing Library, by the fireplace, outdoors by the creek or by my Gypsy Vardo, in the living room, to the office,  in the kitchen, and so on.

I'll be adding more stations soon. A tight wire station, a slackline station, a swaying balance pole, manilla ropes of various diameters from 1/2" to 2"and so on.

The type of training I'm doing is a form of Light Body Kung Fu focusing in Chi Gung, for developing perfect body balance for my surfing and, ultimately, high wire walking - I see all of my training as linked together for a common purpose. I can practice on my various pieces of equipment, both in the loft and also outdoors, as well as in my Surfing Library on my NOHO Surf Balance Trainer.

The workout begins and ends on my surfboard, thus, I am freshest before the several hour workout and also, the most fatigued after the workout for another session of surfing or surfing training.

I'll get up some photos soon, of all the various stations, both indoors as well as outdoors.

In addition to training out in the Loft (several hundred yards down the dirt lane), I train in my home constantly on various wood poles, metal pipes, and manilla rope as well as the edges and rails and backs of furniture, which allows me to move  and walk around almost anywhere in my home while balanced on at least one of these.  At first, I did this only while doing chores, now, I travel like this everywhere I go in my home, whether to the kitchen, library, various rooms, bedroom, or even the bathroom. Thus, if I'm not out in the waves surfing, anytime I'm home or in my yard, I'm training balance. It's fun to see how my muscles are changing, shaping, and strengthening as well as my balance becoming more graceful, thus allowing me greater access to moving softly and beautifully for greater Chi Gung applications to my movment, matching, my external body with my internal energy flow.

Bodaciously Stoked,

Lily of the  Valley

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